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Awakening to Spiritual Abundance with Jeff Carreira

29 mai 2019 - 2 juin 2019

Awakening to Spiritual Abundance with Jeff Carreira

I am thrilled to invite you to a 5-day retreat at the beautiful Kio-O Retreat Center in the beautiful forest hills outside of Montreal, Canada.

In this beautiful setting you will discover that spiritual fulfillment is not something that happens in the future because it is already here now.

Meditation is most often taught as a concentration technique such as following your breath, scanning your bodily sensations, or focusing on a mantra.

On this retreat you will discover how meditation can be simply the direct recognition of your own inherent freedom and fulfillment.

You see we have all been culturally conditioned to see ourselves as partial, incomplete, and deficient. So we assume that we must work hard to find wholeness.

At some point we might realize that in spite of all of our best efforts we are not finding the fulfillment we long for. We realize that we will not find the fullness we seek in material acquisitions or even unending personal development.

We are looking for spiritual wholeness, existential contentment and no amount of effort seems to be enough.

There are many things in life that we can achieve through hard work and diligent effort, but wholeness and spiritual fulfillment cannot be achieved this way.

If we want our lives to be full and complete, we must stop making effort long enough to discover that wholeness and contentment are already always ours.

In this five day retreat you will be guided through an experience of letting go that will bring you to an immediate recognition of spiritual wholeness.

You will discover that a great deal of our feelings of discontent and incompleteness are habits of perception that mask the true fullness of being alive. You will learn how to break the habits of discontent and discover the natural experience of fullness and wholeness that life always is.

The miracle that you discover and deepen into will change your life, relieving you of the burden of anxiety, worry and self-concern so that you can be available to engage fully with life, however it appears.

Information and registration :

Carmela Luttinger: 514-978-0102
Ariela Luttinger: 514-231-3602
Manon Desjardins: 514-262-4762


Début :
29 mai 2019
Fin :
2 juin 2019
Catégorie d’Évènement:
Site :


1905 Chemin du rang 6
Sainte-Lucie, Québec J0T 2J0 Canada
+ Google Map
Téléphone :
819 326-6121
Voir Lieu site web


Jeff Carreira
E-mail :
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